Monday, April 25, 2011

Time for me???

A few weeks ago I decided to focus on spending 100 days improving my health. Not just my physical health, but my emotional, mental, spiritual health too. I listed 10 things I wanted to work on doing each day and one of the things was to spend ten minutes a day doing something I enjoyed. TEN. Who knew that this would be one of the most difficult things for me to actually accomplish. I've been so focused on cleaning, changing diapers, fixing meals, helping with homework, getting kids in bed etc........ I haven't spent time doing things that I enjoy for a very, very long time. So... where to start? I love photography and haven't done much with it in a few years, so I have spent a little time working on that. I enjoy baking... which might not seem like something that would help me if I'm trying to focus on health... right? Well, I've found that for me at least, I can bake stuff and enjoy the process without feeling jipped for not getting to taste the end results right now. I know I'll be able to enjoy tasting the best of the best later and in moderation ;) So I'm going to document what I'm doing to have fun, be creative and spend a little time filling my cup so that I can do a better job keeping everybody else's full too :)

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