Monday, April 25, 2011

Gourmet Lemon Cupcakes

I have had this cupcake book for a couple of years but haven't made a single recipe out of it... until now. I decided to start out with some lemon cupcakes. I looked over the ingredients... cream cheese? Sour cream? Lemon Drop candy? These had to be good!

First of all... I got two things ready to try and keep my kitchen from quickly becoming a disaster area. I got a big bowl to keep on the counter for garbage (think I got this tip years ago from a Rachel Ray show), and I filled the sink with hot soapy water for dirty measuring cups & spoons which is something I learned from my grandma whose kitchen is always clean!

I knew I was going to need my microplane tool for zesting the lemon... if you haven't used one before and spend any time at all zesting... get one! You will not regret it.

I put 1/4 cup of batter in each cup, baked for about 16 minutes and WaLaaaa... Beautiful, delicious smelling cupcakes. Cooled them on a wire rack per the instructions and topped them with lemon-flavored whipped cream and crushed lemon drop candy bits. My kids & husband said they were yummy. My husband gave them a 7 out of 10. I think next time I'm going to try and fill them with some type of lemon filling and top them with lemon buttercream frosting and see if I can get a 10!

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